Vladimir Tsessler has been working at the intersection of design and art for many years of his creative career. In his works, everyday objects are overgrown with metaphors, allegories and comparisons, there is a hybridization of the real and the virtual. Tsesler’s greatest popularity was brought by the Project of the Century. 12 of XX”, in which Vladimir Tsesler and Sergey Voichenko paid tribute to the memory of the great predecessors, masters of the past Amedeo Modigliani, Marcel Duchamp, Victor Vasarely and others. They presented the personality of each of the geniuses in the form of an “egg” sculpture created from a specially selected material. So, the artists tried to depict the revolutionary futuristic poetry of Vladimir Mayakovsky through an egg resembling a rusty bomb. The fluidity of Salvador Dali’s objects, the amazing surreal world on the canvases of the Spaniard and his ability to turn art into money were transferred by Tsesler and Voichenko in the form of a golden drop. And the personality of Joseph Brodsky was “compared” by painters with a transparent art object.
Tsesler’s works at first confuse conspicuous provocativeness on the verge of vulgarity. However, upon further study of the works, the satirical view of their creator becomes visible. For some of them, politicization is not alien – the artist sees it as his goal to respond to acute social, including political, topics. For the same reason, the author uses and modifies the logos of famous brands. The artist’s works are understandable without additional explications.
Vladimir Tsesler is the founder of the culture of memes. He not only captures individual memes hovering in everyday life, but also creates new ones. On the one hand, his works are a mirror of modern culture, which is distorted under the author’s ironic gaze. On the other hand, these works of art also look to the future. Each work contains within itself an ultra-short but meaningful message, from the totality of which the modern cultural reality is recreated bit by bit.